I found some random photos that I took and wanted to share them with you. Because, well, today is a random day and these pictures made me smile. Maybe one of them can make you smile too.
Number 1 and number 3 reading in the same chair. Touching. First off, what parent wouldn’t smile seeing two of their kids snuggled together like this? Four years’ difference and they *chose* to be together. Awww.
Second, r-e-a-d-i-n-g!
Number 5 at (in)convenient care after playing with the dog in some very high grasses next to our property. Result: he is allergic to both dogs and grass. Even though he was swelling faster than a squirrel’s cheeks while gathering nuts for the winter, he still had a smile for me. {ADD moment, how strange does that word ‘squirrel look? Who came up with that word?}
Ali, this one is for you. Yes, I tried to boil the toothbrushes (the ones that we leave at grandma & grandpa’s house)Nobody could remember which one belonged to them so I was just going to disinfect them for just a minute . . .I really shouldn’t have walked away.
Five kids in a very tiny driftwood home.
Cameron’s birthday date with Greg & I at Red Robin. Straw in the nose trying to get mom to stop taking pictures of him. It just egged me on to take more.
Dr. Dad in the “Stuffed Animal Hospital”. Many patients walked away happier that night.
Griffin’s version of me in sidewalk chalk, and mine of him. We all stepped over this for many days as not to ruin it.
Uh, wha????????
My kids, standing in, well what else? A skillet!
Now my kids have no excuse for not having a clean bathroom. (sigh. I wish that were true) I love cleaning supplies and put baskets together for them (with a laminated check list of what needs to be done) and put one in each of their bathrooms. I don’t know why, but it makes me smile to have cleaning supplies and organization in one picture.
The random pictures could go on for forever, but I will spare you. I’m sure you have some random photos of your own that you haven’t peeked at in a while. Go look at them. Let those fun memories brighten your day and have you LOTI (laughing on the inside).