It’s no secret that I love baked goods. When I found Bakerella online I was in total and complete awe. I mean look at this:
Those, my friends, are heaven on a stick. Basically you bake a cake, when the cake cools you crumble it up into a bowl and mix it with 1/2-3/4 of a can of frosting. Refrigerate them, shape them, put them on a stick, then dip them into melted chocolate (or those candy melts for different colors). I try to eat them in more than one bite, you know, to savor them. But that only happens on the first one. Any that I eat after that go down in one bite. Disgraceful. Our favorite combination is lemon cake with lemon frosting. Thank goodness my computer is drool proof.
A couple of weeks ago I heard that Bakerella was going on a book signing tour and her second stop would be the Williams-Sanoma in Bellevue, WA. A mere 35 minutes away from me. My old stomping grounds. SO SUPER EXCITING!!! Greg took the day off so we could go together, then spend the day putzing around. He knew how fun book signings could be, he stood in line at a Costco to get a book signed by someone he looks up to, Alton Brown. We love Alton. I was glad that Greg did take the day off because unexpectedly we had a tag-along. Griffin still wasn’t feeling well so he made the trip with us.

I was number 33 in line. As we waited the staff of W-S would bring out samples of pecan pumpkin bars. Sinful. Evil people. Bring out more, please! At noon we were all rounded up into the store for 20 minutes of Q&A with Bakerella.

It was a small store, with other people there to actually shop and there were a lot of us gawkers, and Bakerella is short. Thankfully Greg had the camera and was able to take good pictures. She faced his direction a lot answering questions. Even though there was only one person between me and her that one person was large. Large people should be in back. Just a thought. Angie, Bakerella, brought her own photographer that kept snapping pictures, and the people who worked at W-S took pictures too. I hope that I am in one of them since I was so close. After the 20 minutes or so we were all told to go back outside the store in the order we were given and we would be brought back in for the signing 12 at a time. Greg had been so great keeping Griffin happy. They found the ship to play on, and Godiva chocolate. Griffin brought back a wrapper from a free sample there, handed it to me and said, “scrapbook this.” Okie dokie then my little memory keeper! When it got to be my turn to go in the store Griffin wanted to have his picture taken with Bakerella too. So . . .
Then I quickly shoved him to the side and said, “Alright, it’s mommy’s turn!” Bakerella was gracious enough to allow me another picture with just she and I. And, the fact that I literally pushed my child away for another picture made her laugh. It sounds mean, but this was supposed to be my thing!

Thank you Bakerella for being so inspiring. Your story and experiences amaze me and your humility warms my soul. Your creation of Cake Pops is genius and I appreciate the simple process of such a wonderful and versatile dessert. My kids from 6-16 love them, and my friends from . . . well, I’m not going to tell you their ages, also love them.
Thank you Greg for taking the day off to spend it with me at a book signing. I know that you had fun as well, but it was really nice to spend that crazy time with you. And lunch, back at the place where we had our first date (even though it was after the fact that we remembered), and driving around to all the places we used to hang out in. You are the best friend ever.
And thank you Griffin. You were such a trooper. You totally deserved that Star Wars Leggo set we bought you. And the $10 chocolate covered Oreos from Godiva (thank you for sharing), and the lunch at Red Robin with the blue balloon. It’s not just any kid that would play along with his parents crazy whims. You were spoiled because you help us spoil ourselves and you didn’t complain about the line being long or not liking where we were or that you were hungry or tired. And you could have completely complained about all of that because I know you weren’t feeling well still. So I thank you again.
Now, everyone, go buy the book or visit and go make some Cake Pops! You will be addicted!